If there are any books you would like to read on wealth accumulation, read this first.
There must be plenty of good reasons why a book has been republished so many times over the decades. This is one of those few books and one of the very first books I have read when I took a serious interest in money management and wealth accumulation.
Wealth started out with a thought first, followed by constant actions. I won't say this book has all the answers you need and you most probably won't become rich just by thinking. But read this first, the sate of mind is very important.
There must be plenty of good reasons why a book has been republished so many times over the decades. This is one of those few books and one of the very first books I have read when I took a serious interest in money management and wealth accumulation.
Wealth started out with a thought first, followed by constant actions. I won't say this book has all the answers you need and you most probably won't become rich just by thinking. But read this first, the sate of mind is very important.
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