I was never a charitable person if being charitable meaning giving to the less fortunate. I hardly made any donations, I don't want to count with my fingers. But if my memory doesn't failed me, I do give away during flag days.
I am not heartless, I feel sad for people who are suffering. I am serious and that's why I seldom make donations. Contradicting? Not really.
You see, I can't stand patients appearing on TV asking for donations because it makes me feel sad. I am not really a happy go lucky but I try to be happy for 366 days in a year. I can't take tears. If someone were to walk up to me and say "Please help the needy", I will as long as I don't see the sight of the sufferings because I will avoid the the sight by any means. Those are usually the flag donation drive. How much do I donate? ...... little. How often do you see flag day? Once in awhile? So you could have guess how many times I actually make donations.
I am not charitable because making money is more appealing to me than giving it away. I am in a rat race and I am making sure that I get out of it so you know my priorities.
But I am kind.
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